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Karaoke-A-GoGo : Karaoke Player CDG Files Supported

Professional Karaoke player. Plays high-quality MP3+G files (mp3 / cdg).

Karaoke-A-GoGo Lite is a professional Karaoke player for your Android phone or tablet. Unlike other players on the market, Karaoke-A-GoGo Lite plays high-quality MP3+G files from your SD card (mp3 and corresponding cdg file required for playback). Please note this is a player only and does NOT include songs. Songs are available in many places on the internet and the help section of the app shows you how to get them.

Karaoke-A-GoGo Lite is ad-supported and your karaoke library is limited to 20 songs. The full version is ad-free with no restrictions on the number of songs. The full version also includes full playlist functionality.

Package Name com.twankydeuce.kagg.lite

Upgrade to Pro version com.twankydeuce.kagg


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