Message GOWidget for GO Launcher EX
Message GOWidget for GO Launcher EX is a smart and efficient SMS widget. The widget, like every thing else from the dev team, is absolutely free and can be downloaded directly from the Market or from within the launcher itself.Message GOWidget comes in two sizes (4×2 and 4×4) and bears a certain amount of resemblance to Launcher Pro’s Messaging widget. However, GO Launcher’s SMS widget comes packed with quite a few extra, handy features. Said features include the option to choose the maximum amount of SMS displayed within the widget, an SMS counter and mark as read button on the 4×2 widget, the ability to reply with a call directly from within the 4×4 widget and last but not the least, the option to reply to messages from a pop-up on the homescreen.The last of the above mentioned features gives Messaging GOWidget a definitive edge over its Launcher Pro counterpart. It might not be skinnable like the latter but is certainly more efficient.

Fast message widget enables user to view messages of your inbox on home screen.
Fast message widget enables the user to view messages of your inbox on home screen of GO Launcher. You must have the newest version of GO Launcher EX installed, which is the most popular home launcher app in Android Market.
Place this widget on your home screen, scroll to view, reply, make a fast dial and delete messages on your home screen and no need to jump in your SMS app!!!
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